Templates for Web Quests,
Scavenger Hunts, and Class Pages
Click below to download templates. Save them in a folder
on your computer.
WebQuest Template Full
Page - with top navigation
WebQuest Template- with
side bar navigation
Scavenger Hunt Template
Class-Web Template --
with side bar navigation
Class-Web One
Page Template
Part One
- Choose the "save" option and browse to find your
folder on the server.
- To "browse": Click the drop down arrow in the address bar,
and look for your folder on the server. (If
you are working on your home computer, you can browse to the "My Webs"
folder and use that instead -- but only use the "My Webs" folder if you are
working on your home computer. It's a good idea to get in the habit of
saving files on the server while at school.)
- Open your folder/directory on the server.
- Click the "save" button.
- Name the folder "web templates".
- Open the Web Quest Templates folder.
- Create a new folder and name it the title you want
for your web quest.
Remember what you name it. It's crucial to know where your files are so you
can open and save your work to the right location.
- Then Choose "webquestemplate" folder if you want a simple
whole page format with navigation across the top, or "webquestemplate2" folder if you prefer the table
format (with the navigation side bar on the left). Or choose one of the
other templates depending on your project.
- Double click to open the folder.
- Hold down the CTRL key and click to select the
following files: Introduction (index), Task, Process, Evaluation, Resources,
Evaluation, Conclusion, Teacher (the files you want should be highlighted)
- Click Edit>Copy
- Browse to find the folder you previously created
named with the title of your Web Quest.
- Open the folder and click Edit>Paste. This puts the
template files (Introduction/Index, Task, Process, Evaluation, Resources,
Evaluation, Conclusion, Teacher) in your specific Web Quest folder.
- Close all folders.
The advantage to working with these templates is that the
navigation structure is already created -- with the links already connecting to
each of the "building block" areas.
Note: If you are creating a Scavenger
Hunt or a One Page Class Web instead of a WebQuest, Select the
template you want and Click to select the index file. Then follow steps
Part Two
- Open Front Page (Start>Programs>Front Page)
- On the Tool Bar Menu, click the down arrow next to
the "Open Folder" tool button, and click "Open Web".
- Click the down arrow for the "Look In" drop down
menu. Browse to find your folder on the server, double click and browse to
find the folder that you created for your Web Quest.
- Select your Web Quest folder and open.
- You should see the Index, task, process, resources,
evaluation, conclusion and teacher files in the folder view.
- Double click the index file. It opens a page view.
Type in your content for the "Introduction". When finished, click the save
tool button (disk icon) and close. Be careful
to close the page, NOT the whole program!
- Repeat this process for each of the Web
Quest "building block" sections
The basic editing and formatting conventions in
Front Page are similar to
Microsoft Word. If you have already created content in MS Word, you can copy in
and paste it into the Front Page editor.
If you do not have Front Page, create a Word
document for each separate Web Quest building block. When you are finished
choose "Save As Web Page" for each